Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thinking About Burgers...

This video is disturbing, but here are some things to consider.

What are their sources? The video makes a lot of statements, which it presents as facts, but it provides no resources. To fact check what you are being presented, you will have to venture out on your own.

Do they seem unbiased? Definitely not. The video has a definite tone, and it the end, they have an agenda, they want you to watch Fast Food Nation.

There are definitely a lot of good issues presented in this video, all of which can, and perhaps should, be explored. This video is NOT a good source in and of itself, but it can take you towards that path, by getting you thinking, and giving you clear topics for further exploration, on your own.

I found the bit about animals being processed while still alive particularly upsetting. Didn't you?

A Quick Intro...

Hello, all.

I, as you know, am your new SI, and I am also new to the exploration of America's food industry.

But what I have been exposed to through your class in these last few weeks since joining you has been, in a word, disturbing.

So I will join in on the blogging, posting interesting things that I find throughout the semester, and I will probably talk about the ways in which this exploration is changing my relationship with food. Because it certainly is. I mean, have any of you eaten a cheeseburger since you began this class? Yuck.

I am also here to help.

My CSUN email:

Questions about papers, blogs, etc. Don't hesitate to contact me.
Good luck with the semester!